Ā”Este verano lanzamos nuestro primer programa virtual de becas de verano! Este programa GRATUITO de 7 semanas se enfoca en enriquecer a los estudiantes de secundaria de primera generaciĆ³n y de bajos ingresos que estĆ”n solicitando ingreso a la universidad a travĆ©s de talleres y tutorĆas individuales. TambiĆ©n proporcionaremos software de capacitaciĆ³n SAT / ACT, preparaciĆ³n profesional y tecnologĆa segĆŗn sea necesario. Nos reuniremos todos los lunes y miĆ©rcoles del 30 de junio al 11 de agosto durante 90 minutos cada dĆa. Los estudiantes se irĆ”n con una declaraciĆ³n personal completa, conocimientos sobre cĆ³mo crear una lista de universidades y un entendimiento de cĆ³mo pagar la universidad a travĆ©s de ayuda financiera y becas. Ā”Haga clic en el enlace a continuaciĆ³n para postularse para ser uno de los 20 estudiantes en nuestra primera cohorte!
ĀæTiene preguntas? Ā”ContĆ”ctenos en info@takeoncollege.org!
Beca de verano 2021
Ā”Aplicaciones abiertas ahora!
Elegibilidad del programa:
- Ser un estudiante de secundaria actual
- Ser un estudiante universitario de primera generaciĆ³n (lo que significa que ninguno de sus padres se ha graduado con un tĆtulo de cuatro aƱos)
- Califique para almuerzo gratis o reducido (comunĆquese con el consejero de su escuela si no estĆ” seguro o consulte las Pautas de elegibilidad de ingresos federales)
- Ser residente de los Estados Unidos o territorios de los EE. UU.
"Take on College prioritizes YOU. The more effort you place in, the more you get out. Connected to a community of high driven, like minded individuals, I am connected to a long term support system this 2023 college application year and for the future to come!"
"The Take on College SFP is an advisement program that I believe every student should be able to have. Especially First-Generation Low income students. Without this program not only was I able to get the resources and information needed to apply and get ready for college but also I was able to have a support system to fall back upon. With it being in the summer it allows you to give a huge step ahead before those college apps open. I can’t thank this program enough."
"These past few weeks with Take On college have profoundly accelerated my understanding and confidence in the college application process by providing us all a significant stepping stone. During both the SFP meetings and the pod time, there was never a moment where I didn't feel genuinely supported and cared for. All the TOC board members are so amazing and kind, and I am grateful to be able to continue my affiliation with this organization by joining the Grant Writing Committee."
"I honestly went into the fellowship barely knowing anything about college. Coming out of this fellowship, I learned a lot about the college process, life on campus and tips for writing. I was able to ask a bunch of questions and was able to listen to personal experiences from other mentors and mentees."
"Take On College was the best thing I applied to before my senior year started. I felt prepared going into my senior year and working on my college applications with more confidence and understanding."
"Take on College taught me so much and not just about college but also gave me the confidence I was missing for applying to college. I have learned great things through out this program that I will carry on even after college."
"I loved my experience with Take on College! I felt like I came in thinking I knew enough information, just to figure out there was loads more that I needed to know, and now I do! So it was overall super helpful!"
"My experience with Take on College was very positive and have a lot of helpful information regarding the whole application process. Most importantly, helped me decide what my personal statement would be about and helped me narrow down my college list to what would best fit me."
Temas del taller
Hacer una lista de universidades
CoaliciĆ³n / AplicaciĆ³n comĆŗn 101
Pruebas SAT / ACT
RedacciĆ³n de ensayos complementarios
Pagar la universidad y las propinas financieras
Cartas de recomendaciĆ³n
Encontrar y solicitar becas
Crear un currĆculum
Entrevistas universitarias
Sesiones de preguntas y respuestas
MentorĆa uno a uno
Oradores invitados
Software de formaciĆ³n SAT / ACT
Computadoras portĆ”tiles (segĆŗn sea necesario)
Puntos de acceso WIFI (segĆŗn sea necesario)